(495) 640-02-56
8(495) 995-02-56

About Us

The company "School World" is the designer, manufacturer and supplier of educational equipment and training aids.

Our team - a team of professionals. The company employs highly qualified specialists - methodists, engineers, designers, production organizers and managers. Many of them began their career in the market of educational equipment for over 15 years ago and are the ideologists of modern training equipment.

We are active participants in the priority national project "Education" of the Russian Federation. Our equipment is included in the list of deliverable of the Ministry of Education and Science under the "Cabinet of Physics", "Cabinet of Chemistry". We continue actively to work on the modernization of training equipment in conjunction with the Methodists of the Moscow Institute of Open Education (Institute for Advanced Training Education).

Our clients - especially schools, high schools, universities and commercial companies - located in all corners of Russia, from Kaliningrad to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, from Murmansk to Nalchik. Well-established relationships with transport companies allow us to deliver equipment quickly (from two days to one month), reliably, and as close to your school.

Our equipment makes the training room into a full working environment with unique methodological solutions, and ergonomics, based on the latest achievements of electronics and information technology. It is safe for the health of students, and has certified the sanitary-epidemiological conclusions.

Complete physics, chemistry, biology, and other compiled a comprehensive system of school equipment and training aids: are demonstration and laboratory equipment, supplies, equipment, general purpose, technical training, specialized furniture, printing and screen-sonic benefits.
We create new educational instruments and watch for these new products on the Russian market, so that the most successful of them are included in our price list and offer to our clients.